April 26, 2024

What is Bridging? How to Bridge Crypto

Bridging (in the context of cryptocurrency) is the act of utilizing different blockchain networks to transfer crypto assets. This is accomplished in order to facilitate interaction between separate blockchain systems, allowing users to transfer their assets from one blockchain to another.


The increasing demand for bridging has been seen as a result of the growing number of cryptocurrency supporters across multiple blockchain layers and networks. As more projects and assets are added to different blockchain networks, users are increasingly needed to move their assets between different networks in order to take advantage of the various opportunities and functionalities of each blockchain.


Bridging has a significant role in increasing the flexibility and utility of cryptocurrencies in a multiple-chain ecosystem, which enables users to access a larger variety of decentralized applications and services across different blockchain networks.


The Multichain Ecosystem

In the multichain ecosystem, there are multiple blockchains and layer 2 solutions that contribute to the overall compatibility and extensibility of the blockchain space.

Some notable examples include Polygon, Arbitrum, and Optimism.



Polygon is a popular layer 2 solution that aims to increase the efficiency and cost of transactions on the Ethereum network. It's intended to serve as a platform for creating and connecting blockchain networks that are compatible with Ethereum, this will allow users to enjoy increased speed and a decreased fee when compared to directly operating on the Ethereum main net.


Arbitrum & Optimism

Arbitrum and Optimism are also considered to be solutions to increase the efficiency of the Ethereum network. They employ positive roll ups that process transactions off of the chain in order to have them settled on the main Ethereum network, this results in increased transaction speeds and a lower cost for users.


These networks have benefits like increased efficiency, faster transactions, lower fees, and enhanced scalability. By utilizing layer 2 solutions like Polygon, Arbitrum, and Optimism, users can have a more smooth and cost-effective experience when interacting with decentralized applications and conducting transactions on the blockchain.


Practical Use Cases for Bridging

Trading on DEXs with lower fees

Users may want to utilize decentralized exchanges (DEXs) that operate on specific blockchain platforms, with lower fees associated with transactions.


Minting NFTs on Cost-Effective Networks

Minting non-fungible tokens (NFTs) can be time-consuming, especially on blockchain networks that have a high cost of gas. Users who want to create NFTs in a cost-effective manner may want to connect their assets to a network that has lower fees and faster transaction processing times for exchanging and manufacturing NFTs.


Participating in Cross-Chain DeFi protocols

DeFi protocols are growing in popularity across multiple blockchain networks in order to take advantage of the unique properties of each network. Users who want to participate in cross-chain DeFi activities, such as lending, borrowing, or providing liquidity, may need to convert their assets into a form that can be accessed on different blockchain's.


Accessing Specific Blockchain Features

Different blockchain networks have specific functionalities and features that are intended for specific purposes. Users who want to utilize a particular functionality on a different blockchain may convert their assets into tokens and interact with decentralized applications or services that are not part of their native blockchain.


Overall, assets bridging enable users to gain new opportunities, access a larger range of services, and optimize their interactions with the evolving cryptocurrency community by smoothly transferring assets across different blockchain networks.


Bridging vs. Swapping

Bridging and swapping are two different processes associated with cryptocurrency that involve the transfer of assets, but they have different purposes and have unique benefits.



The process of transferring assets from one blockchain to another while preserving their original form is called bridging crypto assets. The primary objective of bridges is to facilitate the interaction between different blockchain systems, allowing users to utilize the same asset in different networks for different purposes.



Conversely, the process of swapping crypto assets involves exchanging one form of asset for another at a pre-established rate. Swapping is frequently employed for converting one cryptocurrency to another, for example, trading Bitcoin for Ethereum or holding onto stablecoins. The purpose of swapping is typically to take a different form of investment, exchange it for another asset, or utilize it for other purposes.


The unique benefit of bridging is that it allows us to maintain the same resource across different networks without having to convert it. This facilitates the retention of ownership of the original resource while utilizing the functionalities and benefits of multiple blockchain ecosystems. Bridging is particularly beneficial for users who want to access specific services, applications, or DeFi protocols on multiple blockchain platforms using the same asset without encountering the complexity or potential risk associated with switching between different tokens.


Risks and Considerations

While bridging offers the potential to utilize multiple different blockchain networks, it's crucial for users to recognize the associated risks of this process.

Some of the primary dangers and concerns in the multiple chain space are:


❌ Safety risks

During the transition from one blockchain to another, funds are transferred between different networks, which can lead to users being vulnerable to potential safety threats, such as hacking, phishing, or smart contract attacks. Users should make sure they utilize trustworthy and safe platforms for bridging that minimize the likelihood of asset loss.


❌ Smart Contract Risks

Many solutions for bridges utilize smart contracts to facilitate the transfer of assets. Smart contracts are code-based and may have bugs or vulnerabilities that cause financial loss if they are exploited. Users should thoroughly research the smart contracts utilized in the process of bridging and understand the associated risks.


❌ Irreversible Transactions

Transactions on blockchain networks are typically irreversible, which means that once assets are transferred, they cannot be easily returned if an error occurs. Users should double-check all the transaction information before initiating the process of bridging in order to avoid accidental transfers.


❌ Network Congestion

High levels of network congestion on blockchain networks can cause transactions to be delayed or increased fees to be charged. Users should consider the current state of the network and the fees associated with it before transferring assets in order to ensure cost-effective and timely transactions.


❌ Third-party Risks

When users rely on third parties to facilitate their transactions, they are vulnerable to additional risks, such as platform insolvency or malfeasance. It's crucial to choose reputable, trustworthy platforms that have a documented history of dealing with assets.


❌ Regulatory Considerations

The regulatory frameworks surrounding cryptocurrency and blockchain technology are different by region and may affect the legitimacy and compliance of blockchain-based activities regarding assets. Users should recognize the importance of regulatory concerns in their region and make sure their bridging activities are in compliance with legal regulations.


The Role of Nonbank in Bridging

Nonbank is a comprehensive financial solution that attempts to simplify the management of financial assets across different platforms in a single app. By offering a variety of services (Shared Spaces, built-in transaction checker, a wide variety of assets (in the future development) and many more), Nonbank provides users with a simple and efficient method of dealing with the complexities of managing assets in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space.


One unique aspect of Nonbank is the inclusion of both custodial and non-custodial features in the app, which enables users to transition between assets easily within a single app. This unique combination allows users to safely store their assets while also having control over their finances, providing a middle ground between security and convenience in managing their financial assets.


With Nonbank, users can easily transfer their assets to different blockchain networks, access decentralized applications, and engage in other DeFi activities without having to switch between different platforms. This streamlined approach reduces the complexity of bridging assets and improves the overall user experience within the rapidly growing cryptocurrency community.

By utilizing user-friendly platforms like Nonbank (in the upcoming future), users will be able to easily go through the path of connecting assets to different blockchain networks without facing problems. The simplicity and intuitiveness of the platform can facilitate a smooth transition for users in managing their financial assets and exploring potential uses of the expanding cryptocurrency system.



Bridging has a significant role in helping to facilitate the seamless transfer of assets across various blockchain networks in the cryptocurrency community. As the landscape of multi chains continues to evolve, platforms like Nonbank are expected to simplify the process of integrating and enhance the accessibility of users in this dynamic environment. By comprehending the subtleties of bridging, users can effectively take advantage of the benefits of diverse blockchain networks while minimizing the associated risks through informed decision-making.

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