February 16, 2024

Portfolio Management with Cryptocurrencies

The cryptocurrency industry has experienced a lot of popularity, attracting both experienced investors and newbies. If you are new to the digital world, understanding the cryptocurrency portfolio management is crucial for you to make informed decisions about investment and protect your assets.

In this blog post, we will help you understand the fundamental principles of cryptocurrency portfolio management, and the role of Nonbank in helping with this process.

Introduction to Cryptocurrency Portfolio Management

The process of portfolio management in crypto involves choosing and combining different digital assets in order to maximize returns and minimize risk. It's typically followed by tracking the performance of your investments in real time, diversifying your investments across different types of cryptocurrencies, and making changes based on the market.

Effective crypto portfolio management also serves to enhance your informed decision-making by keeping your emotions under control and utilizing various technological tools for monitoring and analysis.

Diversification Strategies

In the cryptocurrency context, diversification is the process of investing in different digital assets, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, and other altcoins. Additionally, diversity can be increased beyond the individual cryptocurrency to include other digital assets like security tokens and utility tokens.

By placing your investments in different types of assets, you can reduce the vulnerability of any one of them to volatility. A portfolio that's balanced in terms of crypto assets may include a variety of different types of assets:

- Bitcoin (BTC). As the first and most recognized cryptocurrency, Bitcoin is commonly considered a fundamental component of a cryptocurrency portfolio.

- Ethereum (ETH). Ethereum is a prominent platform for blockchain-based smart contracts and decentralized applications, it's also popular among investors.

- Altcoins. These are alternative cryptocurrencies to Bitcoin, including Litecoin (LTC), Ripple (XRP), and Cardano (ADA). They provide variety in the cryptocurrency area.

- Stablecoins. These are virtual currency pairs that are tied to a solid currency, such as the US dollar. They offer stability and can be employed to hedge against market fluctuations.

- Security Tokens. These are virtual tokens that represent possession of real-world assets, such as real property or company stock.

- Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Tokens. DeFi tokens are intended to emulate traditional financial systems with blockchain technology. They can facilitate the exposure to new financial services.

- Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). NFTs are unique digital assets that have gained popularity in art, entertainment, and collectibles.

By diversifying across these types of assets, investors can reduce risk while taking advantage of different opportunities in the cryptocurrency space.

Risk Management in Crypto Investment

Assessing and handling risk is pivotal in the cryptocurrency portfolio management process. Because of the inherently erratic nature of the crypto market, investors must utilize effective risk management strategies in order to preserve their investments.

Here is a list of strategies that are used to mitigate risks in crypto investments:

- Diversification. As previously mentioned, diversifying your crypto holdings across different types of assets can mitigate risk and reduce the effects of volatility in any one of these assets.

- Risk Assessments. Conduct a comprehensive evaluation of every cryptocurrency you are thinking of using in your portfolio. Consider factors like market instability, lack of liquidity, regulatory concerns, and technological improprieties.

- Capital Allocation. Allocate capital to each asset in your portfolio based on your risk tolerance and financial goals.

- Stop-Loss Order. Implementing a stop-loss order can facilitate the limited loss of a cryptocurrency when its price reaches a specific threshold.

- Hedging. It's possible to utilize hedging tactics, such as options or future contracts, to shelter your portfolio from price declines.

- Technical Analysis. Employ technical analysis instruments to identify trends, support and resistance, and other metrics that can be employed to inform your financial decisions.

- Base Analysis. Review the primary factors that contribute to the value of cryptocurrencies, including the technological foundation, development team, and uses in real life.

- Keep Updated. Keep informed of the latest market news, regulatory changes, and technological advances that may affect the crypto market.

By utilizing these strategies and methods, you can effectively evaluate and manage the risk in your cryptocurrency portfolio, this will in turn enhance the likelihood of long-term success in your finances.

Monitoring and Rebalancing

Monitoring and rebalancing are essential aspects of managing a crypto portfolio.

Here are some tips on how to effectively monitor your crypto investments and guidelines for when and how to rebalance your portfolio:

* Monitoring Crypto Investments Effectively:

- Establishing objectives: describe your investment objectives, your risk tolerance, and the time frame over which you will monitor the investments.

- Constant review: constantly assess the effectiveness of your cryptocurrency assets in relation to your financial goals and make alterations as appropriate.

- Use portfolio trackers: utilize cryptocurrency-based portfolio tracking tools and platforms to observe the progress of your investments in real time.

- Keep track of information: keep abreast of the latest market news, development in the industry, and regulatory changes that may affect the value of your cryptocurrency holdings.

- Watch the market's progress: keep an eye on the crypto market's trends and indicators in order to recognize potential opportunities or dangers.

- Evaluate the continuum of exposure: Constantly evaluate the risk exposure of your portfolio and consider how market changes may affect your overall exposure to risk.

* Rebalancing a Crypto Portfolio:

- Establish thresholds for rebalancing assets: Create specific thresholds for each asset in your portfolio, beyond which you will attempt to balance it out in order to maintain your desired asset composition.

- Review investment objectives: Review your investment goals and tolerances to risk every couple of months to see if there are needs to alter your portfolio composition.

- Conditions of the market: It's suggested that you consider re-balancing during periods of significant market change or when the value of a specific asset changes significantly.

- Reviewing asset allocation: Review your current allocation of assets and compare it to your intended allocation of assets in order to identify any discrepancies that may necessitate rebalancing.

- Tax implications: Take care to avoid tax implications when rebalancing, especially if it involves taking a profit from the sale of assets.

- Rebalance method: Decide how you will rebalance by purchasing or selling assets, or by adjusting your future contributions in order to correspond with your intended allocation.

By actively surveying your crypto transactions and following rules for re-weighting, you can guarantee that your portfolio is consistent with your goals and tolerances for risk over time.

Long-term vs Short-term Investment Approaches

Different investment strategies can have varying implications for portfolio management, especially when considering long-term vs. short-term approaches.

Here are some common investment strategies and their implications for portfolio management:

* Long-Term Investment Strategies:

1. Buy and Hold.

This strategy is similar to the purchase of assets with the intention of holding them for a long period of time, typically decades or years.

2. Dollar-Cost Averaging.

Investors will typically hold a specific amount of assets with a specific duration, regardless of the market.

3. Passive Investing (Index Funds).

The investment in index funds or ETFs that are dedicated to tracking market indices is called passive investing.

4. Value Investing.

The pursuit of undervalued assets with the expectation that their value will increase over time.

* Short-Term Investment Strategies:

1. Swing Trading.

Traders seek to capitalize on short- to midterm success by holding positions for a few days to several weeks.

2. Day Trading.

Traders will buy and sell assets during the same day's trading to take advantage of the day's price changes.

3. Arbitrage.

The practice of taking a different market or exchange's price and using it to price a different market or exchange.

4. Options Trading.

Investors employ options contracts to predict short term price changes or protect themselves from risk.

* Implications for Portfolio Management:

Tolerance to risk.

Long term strategies are more appropriate for investors that are more tolerant of risk, while short term strategies are more appropriate for investors that are less tolerant of risk due to the higher volatility and potential loss.

Time horizon.

Long term strategies are focused on longer time periods, while short term strategies are more frequented in decision-making and active management.

Tax considerations.

Short-term strategies may lead to higher tax obligations because of the increased frequency of trading, while long-term strategies have a benefit of lower tax rates on capital gains made over a year.

Market volatility.

Short-term tactics are more susceptible to market changes, while long-term strategies attempt to adapt to short term fluctuations in order to gain a long-term advantage.

Understanding these different strategies for investment and their consequences can facilitate the informed decision-making of investors regarding their approach to portfolio management based on their goals, risk tolerance, and time horizon.

Keeping Up with Market Trends

Having knowledge of market trends and developments is crucial to making accurate investment decisions. The cryptocurrency market is highly mutable, with new initiatives, technological advances, and regulatory changes that are constantly altering the landscape. By keeping up with the latest trends in the market, investors can alter their portfolio strategies in order to capitalize on emerging opportunities and reduce the risk of failure. #nonbanker

Role of Nonbank in Portfolio Management

Nonbank offers a comprehensive digital wallet solution that meets the demands of cryptocurrency enthusiasts. With future support for a diverse variety of cryptocurrencies, options for secure storage, and a user-friendly interface, Nonbank provides the necessary tools for effective portfolio management.

- Variety of supported cryptocurrencies (in the further development): Despite the fact that Nonbank will operate with a limited number of cryptocurrencies during the initial release, our primary goal for the future is to increase and support a diverse range of digital assets, including the major cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH), as well as a variety of alternative cryptocurrencies, stablecoins, and other digital assets. This will facilitate the construction of diverse portfolios that include exposure to different parts of the cryptocurrency market.

- Safety features: Nonbank focuses on safety and implements strict safety features to preserve investors' funds. This may involve AML Watchtower and 2FA that preserve digital assets from unauthorized access and cyber predators.

- Portfolio Tracking and Risk Management Methods: Nonbank provides portfolio checking risk management tool - built-in analytics and management system, that helps investors recognize the amount of a specific currency they have and where they store it (i.e. in which Space). This facilitates the analysis of their assets and promotes more effective utilization of them.

- Liquidity and Alternative options: Nonbank incorporates the capability to buy, sell and exchange cryptocurrencies directly within the app without the assistance of a bank. The platform eliminates the necessity of investors to travel through multiple places or processes in order to conduct transactions. It's all smoothly integrated into one platform, which provides investors with significant ease.

- Regulatory Compliance: Nonbank follows the regulations associated with regulatory compliance and implements a procedure known as Anti-money laundering (AML). This procedure is designed to ensure that the investors and their assets are in line with legal requirements and the best practices of the industry.


Effective portfolio management is crucial to navigating the complex world of cryptocurrencies. By utilizing diversification tactics, strong risk management techniques, and keeping an eye on the market, investors can guarantee themselves a long-term win in the cryptocurrency market.

Additionally, using Nonbank as a cryptocurrency portfolio manager can help investors to have the necessary resources to simplify their portfolio management process and make informed decisions regarding investment.

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