July 10, 2024

Privacy Coins vs Stablecoins

The worldwide cryptocurrency markets are diverse in terms of the number of different digital currencies and tokens that are available. Two of the most popular cryptocurrencies are privacy coins and stablecoins.


In this blog post, we'll explore the privacy coins and stablecoins, discuss their purposes, highlight their key features, advantages and disadvantages.


What are Privacy Coins?

Privacy coins are a specific type of cryptocurrency that is designed to promote anonymity and privacy in transactions. These coins utilize cutting-edge cryptographic technology to conceal the details of transactions, this technology makes it difficult to trace the flow of money.


Popular examples of privacy coins include Monero (XMR), Zcash (ZEC), Dash (DASH). 


Monero (XMR)

Monero is a privacy coin that focuses on privacy and employs advanced cryptographic methods to conceal the sender, receiver, and the total amount of money involved in transactions.


Monero is known for its extreme focus on user privacy, it's also considered to be one of the most privacy-oriented cryptocurrencies in existence.


Zcash (ZEC)

Zcash is a cryptocurrency that focuses on privacy and utilizes the zk-SNARK cryptographic protocol to create transactions that are shielded from detection, where the sender, receiver, and the amount of money involved are all unknown.


Zcash provides both open and shielded transaction options, these options allow users to choose the degree of privacy they want. The transactions that are shielded in Zcash offer a greater degree of anonymity than traditional cryptocurrencies, this is attractive to those who value privacy.


Dash (DASH)

Dash is a cryptocurrency that promotes privacy and transactions that are instantaneous, referred to as "PrivateSend" and "InstantSend," respectively.


PrivateSend employs a method CoinJoin that combines multiple transactions, this technique makes it difficult to determine the funding source.


Dash has a unique two-tier network that includes masternodes, which have additional features like InstantSend and PrivateSend.


While Dash lacks the same degree of privacy as Monero or Zcash, it still provides a few extra features that enhance privacy for its users.


Key features of private coins:

- Increased anonymity: privacy tokens enhance the privacy of transactions by concealing the information involved, including the sender and recipient.


- Private transactions: transactions that are conducted using private coins have a higher degree of secrecy; this is intended to increase the user's level of confidentiality.


- Decentralization: many privacy coins utilize decentralized networks, which prevents a single entity from controlling the distribution of funds.


- Fungibility: privacy tokens are considered more fungible, as each token is indistinguishable from the others, this can be beneficial for specific applications.


Advantages and disadvantages of using private coins:


➕ They hide the identity of the transaction’s participants.

➕ Increased financial privacy and safety for both individuals and organizations.

➕ Multiple levels of secrecy, anonymity and protection from financial monitoring and oversight.

➕ Opportunities to be more widely adopted in regions with strict financial rules.

➕ There is no publicly accessible ledger, thus, third parties that use the system cannot observe the transaction's specific details.



➖ The potential for misuse by criminals, such as those involved in illegal activities.

➖ The transaction fees are high to preserve the privacy of the customer.

➖ A privacy coin ban is proposed in multiple areas like Japan and South Korea.


What are Stablecoins?

Stablecoins are a form of cryptocurrency that is intended to maintain its value, typically tied to a fiat currency like the US dollar or another commodity (like gold).


The primary purpose of stablecoins is to promote a more consistent and reliable form of currency in the cryptocurrency ecosystem, which will mitigate the price instability that is often associated with other digital assets (more details can be found here).


Famous examples of stablecoins include Tether USD (USDT), USD Coin (USDC), First Digital USD (FDUSD), Dai (DAI). These stablecoins are typically supported by a reserve of the underlying asset (e.g. US dollars) or a mixture of assets that maintain their value.


Tether USD (USDT)

Tether USD (USDT) is one of the oldest stablecoins on the market that is tied to the value of USD. Tether has variants that are tied to other fiat currencies including the euro (EURt), Mexican peso (MXNt) and Chinese yuan (CNHt). Additionally, it possesses a token that is backed by physical gold called Tether Gold (XAUt).



USD Coin (USDC) is a popular stablecoin that is tied to the U.S. dollar. It was released in 2018 as a part of a consortium called Center, created by such FinTech companies as Circle and Coinbase. USDC can be transferred and received immediately via Circle or through crypto exchanges, it can also be incorporated into apps and dApps as a form of payment.


First Digital USD (FDUSD)

First Digital USD (FDUSD) is a cryptocurrency stablecoin pegged to the US dollar, launched on June 1, 2023 by Hong Kong-based company First Digital Labs. FDUSD was launched on the Ethereum and BNB Chain networks, but is planned to be issued on other blockchains in the future. It's intended to provide a dependable, transparent digital currency option. This token is intended to facilitate smooth transactions and consistent value in the digital economy.


Dai (DAI)

Dai (DAI) is supported by collateral in the MakerDAO platform, which is a decentralized organization that also employs Ethereum-based cryptocurrencies as collateral, allowing people to lend and borrow using these cryptocurrencies. If the Dai credit system is upgraded or closed, holders may have to convert their Dai to Etherum via the Maker platform.


Key features of stablecoins:

- Price stability: stablecoins provide a dependable means of exchange that lacks the fluctuations in price associated with other cryptocurrencies, they are therefore ideal for everyday transactions and payments.


- Reduced volatility: By keeping a consistent value, stablecoins can provide a more dependable investment choice and a potential safer refuge during times of market instability.


- Pegged to fiat currency: stablecoins are associated with fiat currencies, such as the US dollar, this provides a familiar and commonly accepted form of digital currency.


- Mechanism of hedging: stablecoins function as a form of hedging for users of traditional cryptocurrencies, allowing them to reduce the risk associated with their digital assets.


- Increased liquidity: stablecoins can facilitate a more efficient exchange of cryptocurrencies for traditional currency, which would improve the overall market's liquidity.


Advantages and disadvantages of stablecoins:


➕ Providing stability and reducing price volatility for users and businesses;

➕ Improving integration between cryptocurrencies and traditional financial systems;

➕ Potential for wider adoption and increased mainstream adoption.



➖ Reliance on the stability and viability of the reserve assets

➖ Regulatory oversight and compliance challenges, particularly those related to transparency and auditing

➖ Counterparty risk if the issuing entity faces financial difficulties or regulatory issues


Comparing Privacy Coins and Stablecoins

Privacy coins and stablecoins are separate cryptocurrencies that have their own unique attributes and purposes. Understanding the primary differences between these two types of digital assets is important for both users and investors.


Privacy and Security

- Privacy coins: they focus on the anonymity of the user and the confidentiality of the transaction, these features provide a high degree of security through the use of advanced cryptographic methods.


- Stablecoins: they promote transparency and follow regulations regarding price stability, this enables users to understand the details of transactions while maintaining a consistent price.


Stability and Value

- Privacy coins: they may have a higher degree of volatility as their value is primarily derived from demand and supply, similar to other cryptocurrencies; this can pose problems for users who want to have price stability in their transactions.


- Stablecoins: they are intended to maintain a consistent value, this is why they are ideal for everyday transactions and are a great way to store value.  


Use Cases

- Privacy coins: they are effective in scenarios that require users to prioritize anonymity and confidentiality in their transactions, such as discrete payment or preserving financial privacy.


- Stablecoins: they are beneficial for everyday use, including sending money to family members, conducting e-commerce transactions, and participating in activities that require price stability.


Privacy coins, Stablecoins and Nonbank

As a comprehensive financial management solution, Nonbank provides users with the ability to manage a variety of cryptocurrencies, including both stablecoins and privacy coins.


Nonbank's platform allows users to store, transfer, and transact with various digital assets in a secure and user-friendly manner, taking into account the unique needs and preferences of individuals and businesses.


Nonbank's support for privacy coins enables users to conduct transactions with an increased degree of anonymity and confidentiality. Additionally, Nonbank can be used to purchase popular stablecoins like Tether and USD Coin. The platform's association with these cryptocurrencies focuses on privacy as well as more consistent and less erratic option for everyday transactions, payments, and trading.



Overall, privacy coins and stablecoins have different functions and target different consumer groups. While privacy coins enhance the anonymity and confidentiality of transactions, stablecoins provide a more consistent and trustworthy means of payment in the cryptocurrency system.


Understanding the benefits and drawbacks of each can assist users, investors, and businesses in making the appropriate decisions regarding which cryptocurrency is most appropriate for their specific needs.


With the help of comprehensive financial management solution like Nonbank, users can travel through the complex world of cryptocurrencies with ease and security. The platform enables users to select digital assets that are appropriate for their specific needs, whether it's regarding privacy, stability, or a combination of both.

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