August 26, 2024

What is a DAO?

Decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) have become a popular concept in the blockchain world and other decentralized systems.


A decentralized autonomous organization, also known as a DAO, is an organization comprised of rules that are implemented via computer programs called smart contracts. These organizations are not led by a central figure, but instead are composed of members who have a direct interest in the organization. The idea of DAOs came with the release of blockchain technology, which is necessary for these organizations to function.


The first dedicated DAO, called The DAO, was released in 2016 on the Ethereum blockchain. It sought to create a capital fund for venture capital that was led by investors through a decentralized process. Despite the DAO's significant difficulties, its introduction marked the start of a new era in the structure of organization and leadership.


How DAOs Work

DAOs are led by a series of smart contracts that are deployed on a blockchain. These smart contracts are characterized by their agreement on the rules and the execution of decisions that are agreed upon.


Here is how a DAO functions:

Step 1. Creation. A DAO is formed through a smart contract that is recorded on a blockchain. The regulations and governing body are incorporated into the smart contract.


Step 2. Funding. Members contribute by purchasing tokens, which are often used to vote.


Step 3. Ideas & proposals. Members can submit ideas or proposals to the DAO. These include funding new initiatives as well as altering the rules of governance.


Step 4. Voting. Those who possess tokens vote on initiatives. The process of voting is public and occurs on the blockchain.


Step 5. Execution. Once a proposal is sanctioned, the smart contract will automatically follow the decision.


The role of Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are essential to the operation of DAOs, as they ensure that the rules are followed and decisions are made without human assistance, which decreases the probability of corruption and manipulation.


Benefits of DAOs

DAOs have several significant benefits.


✅ Transparency

All actions and decisions are documented on the blockchain, which provides a transparent, non-modified record.


✅ Decentralization

DAOs have no centralized authority, and distribute power to all members.


✅ Community Governance

Members are directly involved in the operation of the organization, which promotes an ownership and participation culture.


✅ Openness to Innovation

DAOs can be employed in different industries, including finance, supply chain management, and marketing, all of which promote new approaches to business and solutions.


Challenges and Risks of DAOs

Despite their potential, DAOs have several challenges and risks.


⛔ Security Vulnerabilities

Smart contracts are vulnerable to mistakes and lapses. A significant example is The DAO hack in 2016, during which a vulnerability was utilized, which resulted in the loss of $50 million in Ether.


⛔ Regulatory Issues

The landscape of regulatory agencies surrounding DAOs is still unknown in many jurisdictions, which has led to concerns about compliance and the legal implications that could arise.


As countries attempt to deal with the consequences of decentralized leadership models, DAOs must navigate potential obstacles in the regulatory pathway in order to maintain their legitimacy and longevity.


Examples of Successful DAOs

Several successful DAOs have been created in the blockchain context. These organizations have demonstrated the diverse nature of their applications and the impact they have on decentralization.



Uniswap is considered one of the largest and most popular DAOs, that functions as a cryptocurrency exchange that is based on the Ethereum blockchain. Anyone can become a member by holding the UNI token, this token grants the right to vote when the organization is operated and maintained.



Decentraland is a virtual world that is governed by a DAO and has a democratic system of decision-making. Anyone who owns the token's owner, called MANA, can participate in the process, and the platform is now popular among global brands including Morgan Stanley, Coca-Cola, and Adidas as a means of reaching out to digital native audiences.



MakerDAO is the original DAO in the DeFi community, has since grown into a form of regulation for the popular DAI cryptocurrency. It is a platform that is decentralized and manages the DAI cryptocurrency, allowing users to lend and borrow from it.


Curve DAO

Curve DAO is in charge of the DeFi protocol, which is used to transfer stablecoins and other ERC-20 tokens. The protocol is decentralized and has low costs and high liquidity associated with it.


Compound Finance

Compound Finance is a protocol for decentralized finance that allows users to lend and borrow cryptocurrencies without having to prove their identity or have permission. The protocol is led by a DAO, which grants token owners the power to propose and vote on alterations to the protocol's rules and parameters.


The Future of DAOs

The future of DAOs is expected to be bright, and there is a possibility that they will become commonly adopted in the mainstream.


As blockchain technology continues to progress, DAOs could lead to a reformation of traditional organizations, this would provide a more democratic and transparent alternative. Innovations in smart contract security, regulation, and governance will be crucial to their development and popularization.


DAO and Nonbank

Nonbank is a comprehensive financial management solution that aims to include both custodial and non-custodial features in the future development of the product.


Corresponding to the principles of decentralization and user control observed in DAOs, Nonbank gives users greater control over their financial assets. As a platform that takes forward-thinking, Nonbank will incorporate innovative financial technologies that are leading in the evolution of decentralized finance (DeFi).



DAOs represent a significant alteration to the way organizations are formed and led. While obstacles still exist, the benefits of transparency, decentralization, and community-driven leadership are apparent in the future.


As platforms like Nonbank continue to evolve, the incorporation of DAO principles into mainstream financial management is increasingly likely, this will lead to a new era of decentralized solutions.

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