February 26, 2024

Avoid These Common Crypto Scams: Malicious Code

Cryptocurrencies have gained significant traction in recent times, this is attributed to the increasing number of people who utilize digital assets as part of their financial portfolio. However, in conjunction with the popular increase in popularity is a rise in crypto-related frauds. One of the most common hazards in the cryptocurrency space is malicious code.


In this blog post, we will explore the various aspects of malicious code, the common crypto frauds that involve it, and we will discuss the most effective way to avoid them. Additionally, we will discuss how Nonbank, a complete financial management solution, focuses on user safety and provides features to preserve digital financial assets.


Understanding Malicious Code

Malicious code refers to software specifically designed to damage, disrupt, or gain unauthorized access to a computer system.


In the context of cryptocurrency scams, malicious code can be used to steal private keys, access wallets, or manipulate transactions. It can also be used in phishing attacks to trick users into revealing their private keys or login credentials.


Malware can take a variety of forms, and its goals are diverse, but all of it is generally harmful to the system or user affected by it.


Some of the most common types of malicious software are:


- Viruses, that attach to legitimate software and reproduce when the software is executed, are often detrimental to files and data.


- Worms are a form of malware that self-replicates across networks and systems and takes up resources, all of which may lead to network congestion.


- Trojans pretend to be legitimate software, but they contain malicious code that can perform actions like taking data, gaining unauthorized access, or destroying files in an illegal way.


- Ransomware will take away a victim's files or entire system, and will demand a cash upfront for the decryption key, if they are not paid, the files will be inaccessible.


- Spyware is programmed to observe and record user activities, then release this information without the user's consent or knowledge. Spyware can be employed to later coerce victims into paying for the data or taking action in order to prevent personal information from being revealed.


- Adware is associated with the display of unwanted advertisements and the collection of data from users in order to effectively target advertisements.


- Rootkits conceal harmful software on a system that is difficult to detect or remove, these rootkits may also have unauthorized access to the system.


- Fileless malware takes advantage of the fact that it is stored in the memory of a device, leaving little or no mark on the disk, this makes it difficult to recognize.


It's important for crypto users to employ strong security measures such as using reputable antivirus software, keeping their systems updated, and being cautious of suspicious links or attachments to mitigate the risks associated with malicious code.


Common Crypto Scams Involving Malicious Code

Crypto scams involving malicious code can take various forms.


✉️ Phishing Emails

Scammers send emails posing as legitimate entities, such as cryptocurrency exchanges or wallet providers, and request users to click on a link to verify their account or update their information. These links lead to fake websites that mimic the real ones, tricking users into entering their login credentials, which are then stolen by the scammers.


📱 Fake Apps

Scammers create fake cryptocurrency wallet or trading apps that appear legitimate but contain malicious code. When users download and install these fake apps, the malicious code can steal private keys, login credentials, or access other sensitive information from the user's device.


💻 Compromised Websites

Scammers compromise legitimate websites related to cryptocurrencies, such as forums, news sites, or even exchange platforms, by injecting malicious code into them. When users visit these compromised websites, the malicious code can exploit vulnerabilities in the user's browser or device to steal information or install additional malware.


These scams trick users by exploiting their trust in legitimate brands or platforms, as well as their desire to participate in the cryptocurrency ecosystem. The scammers create a sense of urgency or fear, prompting users to take immediate action without carefully verifying the authenticity of the request. Once the malicious code is installed on the user's device, it can steal login credentials, private keys, or other sensitive information related to cryptocurrencies. Additionally, the code can also be programmed to corrupt data or even directly steal funds from cryptocurrency wallets.


It's crucial for users to exercise caution and verify the authenticity of communications and applications related to cryptocurrencies. They should only download apps from official app stores, double-check website URLs before entering sensitive information, and be wary of unsolicited requests for personal or financial information.


Protecting Yourself Against Malicious Code

Protecting your digital assets from malicious code is crucial. Here are some practical tips for crypto users:


1. Use Reputable Wallets.

Choose well-established and reputable cryptocurrency wallets, such as Nonbank, that have a track record of security and are regularly updated to address new threats.


2. Keep Software Updated.

Regularly upgrade your operating system, antivirus software, and all apps to address known flaws that scammers may utilize. A simple answer to staying ahead of dangers and having the latest software is to make them automatically install when released.


3. Secure Your Device with Strong, Unique Passwords.

Use strong, unique passwords for your cryptocurrency accounts and wallets. Consider using a reputable password manager to generate and store complex passwords securely. Also, enable device encryption and screen protection that prevents unauthorized access.


4. Use Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).

Use the MFA as much as possible, especially for accounts that are sensitive. It increases the security of your account, even if your log-in information is lost.


5. Be Wary of Unknown Links or Downloads.

Avoid clicking on unknown links in emails or on websites, and be cautious when downloading software or apps related to cryptocurrencies. Stick to official sources and verify the legitimacy of the software before installation.


6. Be Informed.

Stay informed about the latest scam tactics and security best practices in the cryptocurrency space. Follow reputable sources of information, such as security blogs, official announcements from cryptocurrency platforms, and industry news.


7. Avoid Public Wi-Fi.

Avoid using social media, accessing sensitive accounts or sharing personal information while connected to public Wi-Fi. Public Wi-Fi is vulnerable to attacks that involve the middle man, such as the malicious twin technique of phishing. Using the free Wi-Fi access point is easy to expose your device to dangers.


By following these practices and staying vigilant, crypto users can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to malicious code and other types of scams in the cryptocurrency ecosystem.


Nonbank’s Approach to Security

Nonbank has incorporated advanced features into its platform that would allow it to resist the potential threat. From AML Watchtower, which monitors the finances of users and avoids interacting with anyone who is suspicious, to 2FA authentication and Face/Touch ID recognition that are used to preserve the privacy and safety of data and digital assets, Nonbank employs cutting-edge technology that is both innovative and advanced in order to maintain the safety and confidentiality of data and digital assets.


Additionally, the platform employs encrypted transactions and user education initiatives via the blog and FAQs, attempting to provide a secure environment for managing all financial assets.


By focusing on the safety of every layer of its infrastructure, Nonbank gives users peace of mind and confidence in the safety of their cryptocurrency investments.



It is vital for individuals who participate in cryptocurrency transactions to remain aware and vigilant in order to avoid being a victim to harmful code and other deceits common in the crypto world. By staying aware of potential dangers and following the most effective security protocols, users can reduce the likelihood of being attacked by malicious means. Additionally, utilizing safe financial management solutions like Nonbank can augment the safety of your finances. As the cryptocurrency landscape continues to evolve, maintaining security and remaining aware will be of paramount importance in order to have a safe and secure digital financial experience.

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