February 26, 2024

What are the different types of crypto wallets?

Cryptocurrencies have become popular in recent years as a decentralized form of digital currency. The protection and management of these assets is of paramount importance because of their intangible nature. Unlike the traditional currencies, cryptocurrencies need to be held in specialized places, i.e. crypto wallets.


Overview of Crypto Wallets

A crypto wallet is a digital account that is used to safely store, transfer and receive cryptocurrencies. It's similar to a traditional wallet, but instead of physical cash or cards, it employs digital assets.


As cryptocurrencies are decentralized, they lack a central authority that can regulate them. As a result, users require a safe space to store their crypto assets and conduct transactions. A cryptocurrency wallet provides security and control, allowing users to send and receive digital assets without the assistance of a third party.


Types of Crypto Wallets

Cryptocurrency wallets can be categorized into two main types, depending on how assets are stored:

- hot (online) wallets;

- cold (offline) wallets.


These two classes are subdivided into multiple types of crypto wallets.


Hot Wallets

Hot crypto wallets are internet-connected and can be accessed through a web browser or a mobile app and/or device. To access your coins, you must have an internet connection. Such personal wallets are typically used by cryptocurrency exchanges or third-party providers. They facilitate easy access to assets, but are more susceptible to financial security risks than cold wallets.


The primary varieties of hot wallets are:


1. Web Wallets

Web wallets are accessible through browsers that are web-based and are often provided with cryptocurrency by exchanges that specialize in this form of payment or service providers that provide online banking. They facilitate ease, but may pose a threat to security due to their online nature.


Examples of web wallets: Coinbase Wallet, Binance, Crypto.com.


Advantages of web wallets:

+ They’re accessible from any device that has an internet connection.

+ They’re easy to use for online transactions.

+ Some web wallets have additional features that involve exchanges and other services.


Disadvantages of web wallets:

- Vulnerable to hacking and cyberattacks.

- Users rely on the web wallet provider's security measures.


2. Mobile Wallets

Mobile wallets are intended for use on smartphones and tablets, and allow users to manage their digital assets while on the go. They are practical for everyday transactions, but they need to be considered with caution in order to avoid potential dangers.


Examples of mobile wallets: Trust Wallet, Atomic Wallet, Exodus.


Advantages of mobile wallets:

+ They’re portable and can be used on the go for everyday transactions.

+ Some mobile wallets have NFC as a part of their integration.

+ Some mobile wallets offer some extra safety features like biometric verification.


Disadvantages of mobile wallets:

- Vulnerability to malware or theft, if the device is compromised.

- If the mobile device is destroyed or lost, access to the wallet may be lost as well.


3. Desktop Wallets

Desktop wallets are computer software applications that are installed on personal computers or laptops. They grant users complete control over their personal keys, and provide a more advanced security alternative to web and mobile payment methods. However, they are still susceptible to attacks by malware or hackers if they are not properly safeguarded.


Examples of desktop wallets: Electrum, Exodus, Atomic Wallet.


Advantages of desktop wallets:

+ Users are endowed with complete ownership of their personal keys and money.

+ Less likely to be hacked online than other types of wallets.

+ Some desktop wallets have additional features and customization options.


Disadvantages of desktop wallets:

- Limited to the device the wallet is installed on.

- Susceptible to malware and hacking if the computer is invaded.


Cold Wallets

Cold wallets are supplemental security solutions that add another layer of protection by keeping private keys away from the public. They are beneficial for holding large amounts of cryptocurrency for a long period of time. The primary varieties of cold wallets are:


1. Hardware Wallets

Hardware wallets are physical devices that are specifically designed to store cryptocurrency's keys in an offline manner. They provide additional security features such as PIN protection and encryption, this makes them less susceptible to online dangers.


Examples of hardware wallets: Ledger Nano S, Trezor, KeepKey.


Advantages of hardware wallets:

+ Provide the greatest degree of safety by keeping private keys offline.

+ They’re resistant to attacks by malware and hackers.

+ They’re perfect for storing cryptocurrencies for a long-time period.


Disadvantages of hardware wallets:

- Hardware wallets are expensive.

- They’re not as convenient for everyday transactions as web or mobile wallets.


2. Paper Wallets

Paper wallets are a form of crypto wallet that involves printing your private keys onto paper. While they provide a storage solution that requires no internet, they need to be handled with care to avoid loss or damage.


Examples of paper wallets: BіtAddress, WalletGenerator.net.


Advantages of paper wallets:

+ Private keys are kept offline, which makes them resistant to online intrusion.

+ They’re immune to malware and digital predators.

+ They can be created without spending any money.


Disadvantages of paper wallets:

- Capable of being physically damaged, lost, or stolen.

- Require an understanding of the procedure to create and utilize paper wallets with confidence.


Hybrid Wallets

Hybrid wallets have a combination of features that are both hot and cold, they provide a middle ground between safety and accessibility. They may combine online and offline storage methods in order to accommodate the various demands of cryptocurrency users.


Examples of hybrid wallets: Coinomi (supports both mobile and desktop), Exodus (supports both desktop and mobile).


Advantages of hybrid wallets:

+ Combine the benefits of different types of wallets (e.g., web and mobile).

+ Allow users to access their finances via multiple platforms.

+ Provide a proportional balance of safety and accessibility.


Disadvantages of hybrid wallets:

- May have a learning curve associated with it due to the combination of different wallet types.

- Users still rely on the security features of the hybrid wallet service.


Choosing the Right Wallet

Selecting the appropriate crypto wallet is based on personal preferences and necessities. Factors like security, accessibility, and supported cryptocurrencies should be considered with care. It's crucial to conduct extensive research and seek out trustworthy sources of information when evaluating different payment options.


1. Security.

The primary element of choosing a cryptocurrency wallet is safety. The safest cryptocurrency wallet should be dependable and shielded from cyber fraud and theft. If you don't intend to utilize your assets actively, then a cold wallet that's dedicated to cryptocurrency is the most appropriate for storage.


2. Accessibility.

You need a wallet that is simple to utilize and accessible at all times. If the procedure of using a wallet is too complicated or time-consuming, users may utilize the wallet less often.


3. Supported cryptocurrencies.

Selecting a crypto wallet that supports the cryptocurrencies you want is critical. The compatibility of your wallet with multiple cryptocurrencies can guarantee the flexibility, accessibility and perspective of your cryptocurrency assets.


Nonbank's Wallet Solution

Nonbank provides a comprehensive financial solution that combines various types of cryptocurrency wallets - it can function as an IOS/Android app that connects to a hardware wallet for increased security. It's crucial, because a hardware wallet safely stores your personal keys offline. It keeps your keys from being exposed to online dangers. By combining a Nonbank wallet with a hardware wallet, you can enhance the security of your assets and private keys.


Despite the fact that Nonbank will have limited support for cryptocurrencies during the initial release, our long-term goal is to expand and support a diverse range of digital assets. This will facilitate an efficient management of their various cryptocurrency portfolios.


Moreover, Nonbank combines the functionality of banks, wallets, and cryptocurrency exchanges in one platform, which provides the flexibility and additional security. Users can explore the complex world of crypto while taking advantage of a single platform to manage their financial assets.



Each type of wallet has its advantages and disadvantages, and the most important thing is the purpose for which it is used. By exploring the different options in the market, individuals can make decisions that are financially beneficial for them. Understanding the different types of cryptocurrency wallets is important to having accurate information when it comes to managing digital assets. With Nonbank's innovative approach to financial management, users can take advantage of a single platform that satisfies the various needs of digital assets.

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