February 16, 2024

Nonbank: a Revolutionary All-in-One App

In today's rapidly evolving world of finance and cryptocurrencies, there is a growing need for innovative solutions that bridge the gap between traditional banking and the exciting world of cryptocurrencies.


Nowadays, users have many platforms available to manage both their digital and fiat assets. These options often include custodial and non-custodial wallets, each with their own unique advantages. While many users choose to store their funds in both types of wallets at the same time, it can be difficult to manage all their funds in one place. This is where Nonbank comes to the rescue! This cutting-edge solution combines the best of both custodial and non-custodial worlds and offers revolutionary ways of how you can interact with your finances.


Nonbank: the cutting-edge solution for crypto users

It is very difficult to describe Nonbank in one word because it is more than just a bank, a wallet or an exchanger. More specifically: it's not a bank at all (that’s why it is called non bank 😀 ), it's more than just a wallet, and it's definitely more than just an exchanger. Nonbank is a comprehensive solution to any of your financial problems. How exactly? Read on to find out.


1. Easily manage your assets with Spaces

Nonbank offers a user-friendly experience that integrates all types of finance into one app. How come?


Nonbank allows users to link all their accounts and create Spaces that help them conveniently manage their money without having to switch between different platforms. This feature is especially useful for people who own multiple currencies or have accounts at different exchanges. #nonbankspaces


Nonbank Spaces also make it easy to manage funds, as users can view all their holdings in one place. This feature is particularly helpful for those who trade frequently and need to keep track of their assets.


2. Conduct safe and transparent transactions with AML watchtower

Nonbank does not make any compromises when it comes to security. The platform offers an AML watchtower, which ensures that all transactions are clean and transparent. This feature helps users monitor their finances and avoid interacting with suspicious people or wallets. The AML watchtower analyzes users’ cryptocurrency transactions to ensure there are no transfers from sanctioned wallets or suspicious people.


If you think that’s all AML watchtower can do, you’re wrong. This feature monitors your financial security and if you have assets in volatile currencies, AML watchtower may recommend converting them to more reliable currencies to keep your assets safe.


Overall, the AML watchtower is critical to analyzing how you keep your money. This feature is always on guard of your assets and also provides security and peace of mind to those who want to ensure their transactions are legal and transparent.


3. Work with a wide variety of assets

Although Nonbank will work with a limited set of cryptocurrencies at the beginning of its launch, our biggest goal for the future is the expansion and support of a wide range of digital assets.

From popular cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum and TRON to lesser-known altcoins, Nonbank will offer users the flexibility to manage multiple cryptocurrencies in a single app. This will eliminate the hassle of switching different assets between different wallets, making Nonbank a convenient all-in-one solution.

4. Exchange crypto here and now!

Nonbank goes one step further by integrating the functionality to buy, sell and trade cryptocurrencies directly within the app. By doing so, Nonbank phases out the need for users to navigate multiple platforms or go through complex processes to perform transactions. It's all seamlessly incorporated into one platform, bringing great convenience to users.

5. Increase security by connecting a hardware wallet to Nonbank

Nonbank platform is definitely not standing still and will always try to find new ways to provide extra security to your wallet. One of such options is to connect a hardware wallet to your Nonbank wallet.


Why is this crucial? A hardware wallet is a physical device that securely stores your private keys offline. It provides additional protection by keeping your keys away from potential online threats. By pairing a Nonbank wallet with a hardware wallet, you can provide greater protection for your assets.


6. Keep an eye on your fiat and crypto with assets analytics.

Nonbank makes managing your digital assets simple and easy. Since you can create many different spaces with different currencies, the built-in analytics and management system will allow you to see how much of a particular currency you have and exactly where you store it (i.e. in which space). This allows you to analyze your assets and work with them more efficiently.


7. Stay engaged with our gamification tools

We want to create the best cryptocurrency experience for you, so our team is currently developing interesting tasks, bonuses and a reward system for you. The world of cryptocurrency does not have to be boring and overwhelming, and the Nonbank team knows it!

8. Collect Nons - get rewards!

Nons – are our internal coins that you can earn by completing our tasks or by using our app (when the app is released).


Nons were created to make your financial journey easier and more exciting. Stay tuned to our news and updates to learn more about Nons and their benefits!


This is just the tip of the iceberg - there will be more to come!



Nonbank is a cutting-edge solution that combines the best of custodial and non-custodial wallets. With its game-changing features, such as Spaces and AML watchtower, Nonbank offers users a convenient and secure way to manage their digital assets.


If you're looking for a cutting-edge platform that combines the power of cryptocurrency with the convenience of traditional banking, join the Nonbank revolution now! Download the app or visit our website to learn more about how Nonbank can transform your financial experience.

What’s a Rich Text element?



The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

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Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.