Rule your Crypto
and banks in one App

Scan QR code to download NonBank app

Connect & Manage all your finances in one simple way

Comprehensive portfolio analysis
Take a broader look at your assets with deep analytics. Do smart decisions with smart portfolio scanner.
Verified once — signed in everywhere
As easy as "Sign up via Google". Once you pass the KYC, you can use it for all your accounts.
1-tap transfer
between your accounts
Transfer your assets between different apps and services on the go
Seamlessly transfer anywhere
Simple transfers
between accounts sad. No more hassle with third-party services, just transfer your assets anywhere with 1 transaction.

No more hassle with third-party services, just transfer your assets anywhere with 1 transaction.

transaction fee

You will get some free transactions, each month. Also you can get them by completing tasks.

instead many requisites

Receive money to NON ID instead of many crypto addresses and bank card numbers.

Instant transaction checker
Don't check, we already did it, automatically. Be sure that your money will not fall into the bad hands.
Shared spaces
Share space with your friends and manage your assets together.

Each Nonbanker entitled with NonID
the unique DeFi identity

What is NON ID?


Q1' 2024
The most convenient Tron wallet. True blockchain features, but in a clear and convenient way.
q3' 2024
The best multi-blockchain wallet. Now all non-custodial wallets are in one app.
q4' 2024
Manage all your custodial, non-custodial and exchange wallets in one app.
q2' 2025
Crypto and banks in one app. Manage your bank and crypto funds — in a fast and secure way.
q1' 2026
NON×CARD — one universal key to all custodial and non-custodial funds.

Download the app and BECOME THE NONBANKER NOW

Scan QR code to download NonBank app

Frequently asked questions

What is Nonbank?
Nonbank is a comprehensive financial management solution, blending custodial and non-custodial features to revolutionize how you handle finances. It's a single app for managing all your financial assets, offering seamless integration of banks, wallets, and exchanges in one platform.
Is Nonbank safe?
Nonbank prioritizes security with its AML (Anti-Money Laundering) watchtower, ensuring all transactions are clean and transparent by monitoring transfers from sanctioned wallets or suspicious entities. Additionally, for heightened security, users can connect a hardware wallet to their Nonbank account, which provides offline storage for private keys and safeguards against online threats.
Does NonBank support multiple blockchain networks?
Yes, Nonbank is designed to be multichain, initially supporting the TRON network. Future updates will introduce support for EVM and other Blockchain networks. Nonbank's ultimate goal is to facilitate cross-web functionality, encompassing both crypto and fiat asset storage and transactions.
What is NonID?
Non ID is a unique DeFi identity that enhances the Nonbank wallet experience. It allows users to customize their accounts and offers various bonuses, including exclusive rewards from Nonbank and its partners, trading perks, the ability to mint Non ID as an NFT, and more.
How can I claim NonID?
To claim your Non ID, select your desired appearance (which can include up to five different traits) and click the "Claim Non ID" button.
What are Tasks in NonBank, and how do i complete them?
Nonbank is introducing gamification elements such as tasks, bonuses, and a rewards system to make the cryptocurrency experience more engaging. Users will encounter a variety of tasks, each with specific instructions and rewards. To complete a task, simply select it, read the description, and follow the steps provided.
What are Nons, and how can I earn them?
Nons are internal coins unique to Nonbank, earned through active engagement in the app or by completing tasks. They are designed to enrich the financial journey and provide additional benefits to holders.
What is Nonbank?
Nonbank is a comprehensive financial management solution, blending custodial and non-custodial features to revolutionize how you handle finances. It's a single app for managing all your financial assets, offering seamless integration of banks, wallets, and exchanges in one platform.
Is Nonbank safe?
Nonbank prioritizes security with its AML (Anti-Money Laundering) watchtower, ensuring all transactions are clean and transparent by monitoring transfers from sanctioned wallets or suspicious entities. Additionally, for heightened security, users can connect a hardware wallet to their Nonbank account, which provides offline storage for private keys and safeguards against online threats.
Does NonBank support multiple blockchain networks?
Yes, Nonbank is designed to be multichain, initially supporting the TRON network. Future updates will introduce support for EVM and other Blockchain networks. Nonbank's ultimate goal is to facilitate cross-web functionality, encompassing both crypto and fiat asset storage and transactions.
What is NonID?
Non ID is a unique DeFi identity that enhances the Nonbank wallet experience. It allows users to customize their accounts and offers various bonuses, including exclusive rewards from Nonbank and its partners, trading perks, the ability to mint Non ID as an NFT, and more.
How can i claim NonID?
To claim your Non ID, select your desired appearance (which can include up to five different traits) and click the "Claim Non ID" button.
What are Tasks in NonBank, and how do i complete them?
Nonbank is introducing gamification elements such as tasks, bonuses, and a rewards system to make the cryptocurrency experience more engaging. Users will encounter a variety of tasks, each with specific instructions and rewards. To complete a task, simply select it, read the description, and follow the steps provided.
What are Nons, and how can I earn them?
Nons are internal coins unique to Nonbank, earned through active engagement in the app or by completing tasks. They are designed to enrich the financial journey and provide additional benefits to holders.