March 5, 2024

How do I find transaction information on a block explorer?

Block explorers have a significant impact on the blockchain world and cryptocurrency, allowing users to access and analyze information regarding transactions on various blockchain networks.


In this blog post, we will explore the fundamental principles of block explorers, their attributes, and how they can be utilized to locate information regarding transactions. Additionally, we'll discuss the importance of block explorers in promoting transparency and accountability in the crypto world and the role of Nonbank in utilizing blockchain technology to provide enhanced financial management solutions.


Introduction to Block Explorers

A block explorer is an online platform that provides information about blocks, transactions, addresses, and other aspects of blockchain. Similar to the way browsers are employed to navigate the internet, block explorers allow one to investigate a blockchain.


Examples of block explorers:,,


Block explorers have a significant impact on increasing transparency and accountability. They facilitate users in tracking transactions in real time, verifying the flow of funds, and ensuring that transactions are being processed correctly. By making the blockchain public, block explorers promote faith in the system and prevent fraudulent activities.


Basic Features of Block Explorers

Here are some basic features of a block explorer:


- Transaction search. Users can search for specific transactions by entering transaction IDs or wallet addresses. This feature allows users to track the status of transactions, view sender and recipient addresses, and verify the amount transferred.


- Block details. Block explorers provide information about individual blocks on the blockchain. Users can view details such as block height, timestamp, size, the number of transactions included in the block etc.


- Address information. Users can explore specific wallet addresses to view transaction history, balance, and other relevant details. This feature enables users to track the activity of a particular address on the blockchain.


- Network activity analysis. Block explorer tools facilitate the analysis of the entire blockchain network's activity. Users can observe the volume of transactions, the hash rate of networks, and the distribution of rewards associated with mining.


- Transaction visualization. Some block explorers have visualizations of transactions and blocks associated with the blockchain. This attribute can facilitate an understanding of the progression of transactions and the makeup of the blockchain network.


- Mempool tracking. Users can observe the mempool, which is a collective of unverified transactions that are expected to be incorporated into a block. This attribute enables users to observe the congestion associated with transactions and estimate the time required to confirm them.


These features together provide a comprehensive understanding of blockchain data, this enables users to explore and analyze transactions, blocks, addresses, and network activity with ease.


Common Use Cases for Block Explorers

Block explorers are frequently employed for a variety of purposes, including:


- Verifying transactions. Users typically utilize block explorers to verify the specifics of a transaction. By inserting the hash value or wallet addresses into a block explorer, users can be sure of the sender, recipient, amount transferred, and other pertinent information regarding the transaction.


- Checking the transaction's status. Block explorers facilitate the verification of a transaction in real time. Users can observe whether a transaction is considered pending, confirmed, or part of a block. This attribute facilitates the tracking of transactions' progress and ensures that they have been successfully processed.


- Exploring address activity. Individuals may utilize block explorers to explore the specific activity of specific wallet addresses. By supplying a wallet address to a block explorer, users can observe the history of transactions, the current amount, and other pertinent information about the address.


- Network activity monitoring. Block explorers offer insightful information about the overall activity of the blockchain network. Users can assess the volume of transactions, the size of blocks, the rewards for mining, and the hash rate of networks. This knowledge assists users in comprehending the health and capabilities of the blockchain network.


- Investigating the blockchain. Investors and researchers often utilize block explorers to collect information about various blockchain projects. By exploring blocks, transactions, and addresses associated with a specific blockchain, users can assess the project's progress, popularity, and overall viability.


Overall, block explorers serve as a powerful platform for individuals to explore, verify, and analyze blockchain information. Whether it's verifying transactions, checking the status of transactions, comprehending the activity of networks, or researching blockchain projects, block explorers have a significant impact on the decentralized and transparent nature of blockchain technology.


Step-by-Step Guide to Finding Transaction Information

Step 1: Go to your preferred block explorer website. Well-known block explorers include,, and


Step 2: Enter the transaction hash (a unique transaction identifier) in the search bar. You can find the transaction hash in your wallet or transaction history. A transaction can also be identified on the network using the address of the sender or recipient.


Step 3: Click the "Search" button to start searching for the transaction.


Step 4: Once the transaction has been identified, you will see additional information about the transaction that applies to you, including:


- hash: a unique number associated with the transaction.

- the address from which the money was sent.

- the address that received the money.

- total count: the total number of cryptocurrencies transferred during the transaction.

- transaction status: whether the transaction is complete or still in the progress.


Step 5: You can click on the transaction hash to see additional information, such as the time stamp, block height, and number of confirmations.


By following these steps, you can use the block explorer to find certain information regarding transactions, including the transaction ID, the sending and receiving addresses, the amount transferred, and the status of the transaction. This procedure makes it easier to verify transactions and track money on the blockchain.


Nonbank and Blockchain Transparency

Nonbank utilizes blockchain technology to provide a comprehensive financial management solution that grants power to users to easily handle and verify their financial transactions across various platforms. Through blockchain technology, Nonbank provides a secure and transparent method of tracking financial activity.


The platform is constantly working on its development and implementation of new features, so the upcoming integration of the TRON Wallet will allow users to have a simple experience in managing their finances. This integration will facilitate access to and management of financial transactions for users of the TRON Wallet as well as increase the convenience and accessibility of the platform.


Through blockchain technology, Nonbank guarantees the authenticity and legitimacy of financial transactions between users in a dependable and transparent manner. This commitment to transparency not only increases the safety of financial data, but also creates trust among users, who are guaranteed that their financial information will be handled with utmost care and trust.



Block explorers are important tools for studying the intricacies of blockchain transactions and understanding network activity. By giving users access to transaction details, block explorers promote transparency and accountability in the crypto space.


We encourage readers to use block explorers to obtain additional information about their transactions and better understand the behaviour of the blockchain network.


Through blockchain integration, Nonbank provides users with a secure platform to conduct transactions regarding their finances without difficulty. It also provides a user experience that is enhanced and guarantees access to reliable, transparent financial management software.

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