May 30, 2024

How to Check an Ethereum Transaction

Ethereum transactions are the foundation of the Ethereum network, they allow users to send and receive Ether (ETH) as well as interact with smart contracts. These transactions are crucial to maintaining the integrity of the blockchain and safely managing digital assets.


The central component of Ethereum's transaction processing is the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), which is a decentralized computer platform that executes smart contracts and processes transactions. The EVM has a crucial role in verifying and executing transactions on the Ethereum network, as it ensures the accuracy of these transactions and their security.

Types of Ethereum Transactions

Three primary types of Ethereum transactions exist: regular transactions, contract-execution transactions, and contract-deployment transactions.


Regular Transactions

Regular transactions on the Ethereum network are simple and involve the transfer of Ether (ETH) from one account to another. These transactions are similar to traditional cryptocurrency transactions and are employed to transfer Ether between users or accounts on the Ethereum blockchain.


Contract-Execution Transactions

Contract-execution transactions are transactions that take place on the Ethereum blockchain that involve the execution of smart contracts. When a transaction causes the execution of a smart contract, it can take various actions such as transferring tokens, updating information, or initiating other contracts based on predefined conditions.


Contract-Deployment Transactions

Contract-deployment transactions occur when a new smart contract is created on the Ethereum blockchain. This type of transaction involves transferring the bytecode of the smart contract to the blockchain, there, it will be deployed as an immutable, new contract address. Once it's deployed, the smart contract can be accessed through the contract's execution transactions.


These different types of Ethereum transactions demonstrate the versatility of the Ethereum blockchain, not only allowing for simple value transfers, but also the execution and distribution of complex smart contracts, which are responsible for the functionality of decentralized applications (dApps) and various applications within the Ethereum sphere.


Steps to Check an Ethereum Transaction

Verifying a transaction on Ethereum consists of several critical steps.


Step 1. Obtain the transaction hash (TxHash).

To verify an Ethereum transaction, you must first get the unique transaction hash (TxHash) associated with it.


The Transaction Hash (TxHash) is crucial to recognizing and following a specific Ethereum transaction. It's used as a unique marker for every transaction, and it's employed to locate and verify the specific details of the blockchain. You can locate the hash of the transaction in your Ethereum wallet, or by seeking out the specific details of the transaction on the platform where it was initiated.


Step 2. Use a blockchain explorer.

Use a blockchain explorer like Etherscan or Ethplorer, which are web-based tools that allow users to visualize and search for information regarding transactions on the Ethereum blockchain. These explorers offer a user-friendly platform for accessing transaction information.


Step 3. Enter the transaction hash.

Once you have landed on the blockchain explorer website, locate the search bar and type in the transaction hash (TxHash) that you gained in the first step. This will facilitate the recovery of the specific information regarding the Ethereum transaction that you want to verify.


Step 4. Review transaction details.

After entering the hash, the blockchain explorer will show the full details of the transaction, including the sender and recipient addresses, transaction cost, gas fees, the status of the block, and other information.


Understanding Transaction Outcomes

Understanding the result of an Ethereum transaction is crucial to determining its success and recognizing any potential problems. Transactions on the Ethereum network are successful, pending, or failed.


Successful transaction

A successful Ethereum transaction is indicative of the intended procedure, such as the transmission of Ether or the execution of a smart contract, having been completed as intended. This outcome indicates that the transaction has been completed and confirmed by the Ethereum network, and the associated value transfer or smart contract has occurred.


Pending transaction

A transaction that is pending means that it has been publicly broadcast, but has not yet been officially approved by a block. Pending transactions are triggered by network congestion or the low transaction fee (gas price), the latter causes the transaction to delay in the transaction pool in order to be included in a block.


Failed transaction

A failed Ethereum transaction is indicative of an unsuccessful attempt to complete the transaction due to a problem or an incorrect condition. This outcome indicates that the transaction has not been completed, and the intended alterations to the blockchain's state have not occurred.


* Common Issues and Errors

- Out of Gas: this error is triggered when the gas limit associated with a transaction is not sufficient to complete the intended procedure. To address this, the sender can increase the gas budget to provide more computational power to the transaction in order to succeed.


- Bad Instruction: this error is typically caused by a smart contract having an incorrect or unsupportive operation during execution. It can be resolved by reviewing the smart contract's code and addressing the issues.


Understanding the results of these transactions and common issues is crucial to the Ethereum user's understanding, as it allows them to observe the status of their transactions, address potential problems, and take actions that will ensure the successful completion of their desired transactions on the Ethereum blockchain.



Maintaining knowledge of the status of transactions is crucial to the Ethereum community and its participants. Understanding the results of Ethereum transactions enables users to observe the progression of their transactions, identify problems, and take immediate action if necessary.

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