March 5, 2024

Avoid These Common Crypto Scams: Fake Experts

With the increasing popularity of the cryptocurrency market, there has been an increase in the number of schemes that target unsuspecting investors. One of the most common frauds is the increase in the number of fake crypto experts who entice people with unrealistic narratives and promises. It's important for investors to be observant and cautious in order to avoid being victim to these schemes.


In this blog post, we intend to explore the common traits of fake crypto experts, the consequences of their deception, and provide recommendations on how to avoid being deceived.


Identifying Fake Crypto Experts

Fake cryptocurrency experts often utilize methods that are intended to instil indecision in individuals regarding making immediate decisions. These individuals typically make false promises of high returns, they force investors to act immediately, and lack any form of verification.


Fake cryptocurrency experts often share common traits, that’s why it's crucial for investors to recognize these red flags in order to avoid being victim to their schemes.


Some of the most common indicators of fake experts are:


- Unrealistic guarantees of returns. Fake experts in cryptocurrency often boast of having a high return with little to no risk. They may profess to have a "secret" formula or inside information that guarantees profits, which is a common red flag.


- Pressure to act swiftly. Scammers may employ high-powered tactics that require you to make quick decisions without having time to conduct proper research or seek guidance. They may instil a sense of necessity by saying that you must act swiftly in order to secure a financially advantageous opportunity.


- Lack of verifiable credentials. Genuine crypto experts typically have documented histories, including a long tenure in the industry, relevant certifications, or a professional transparency. Fake experts often do not have these credentials or misrepresent their qualifications in a false way.


Examples of how these scams manifest themselves:

1. Social media influencers. Online scams may be promoted through social media platforms, claiming that these projects have a high potential for return, but they are also said to have a high risk. Be cautious about influencers that are lacking transparency or provide financial guidance without having sufficient expertise.


2. Unsolicited investment advice. Be cautious about unsolicited messages or emails from individuals that claim to be experts in cryptocurrency and offer investment advice or opportunities. These messages may have links to malicious websites or projects that could lead to financial loss.


3. Phishing emails. Scammers often send phishing emails in order to take away information about user’s logins or personal data. These emails may appear to be genuine opportunities for investment or requests for financial transactions that would lead to identity theft or financial loss.


By recognizing the common traits of fake cryptocurrency experts, you can more effectively avoid being victim to these scams.


Impact of Fake Expert Scams

Fake experts can have serious consequences, whose schemes are associated with various risks and losses for those who are victimized by them. Some of the potential effects of fake expert frauds include:


1. Financial Loss.

One of the greatest dangers of being prey to the fake expert scams is financial loss. Scammers may entice individuals into funding projects or schemes that are fake with the promise of high yields, but they will disappear with their money as well. Victims can incur significant financial losses, which can sometimes lead to the loss of all of their investments.


2. Data Breaches.

Other than financial loss, fake experts can also lead to data breaches and theft of identity. Scammers may utilize email scams or websites that are deceptive to trick individuals into providing sensitive information like logins, personal details, or financial information. This knowledge can be used to facilitate additional criminal activities, these activities are at risk of causing identity theft and other digital crimes.


3. Reputation Damage.

Participating in a fake expert scheme can also negatively impact one’s reputation in the cryptocurrency community. Victims may experience shame and distrust from others who have not been victimized by the fraud, with long-term effects on their trust and relationship with the industry.


4. Emotional Damage.

A victim of a fake expert scamming can also experience emotional consequences, these include stress, anxiety, and a sense of betrayal. Victims may feel foolish or distressed for being scammed, which leads to emotional pain that can affect their mental health and quality of life in general.

It is extremely important to be aware of the potential dangers and losses associated with fake expert schemes in order to avoid being a victim in these deceitful schemes.


Tips for Avoiding Fake Experts

To avoid being a victim to the fake expert scams, it's important to be cautious and proactive in your approach.


Here is a list of practical pieces of advice for investors to protect themselves and their investments from scam:

1. Conduct extensive research.

Before committing funds to a crypto expert or investment opportunity, do your due diligence to verify their legitimacy, history, and reputation. Pay attention to reviews, feedback from other investors, and any red flags that may indicate a potential scam.


2. Seek advice from trusted sources.

If you need investment advice or guidance in the cryptocurrency market, please refer to trusted sources such as financial advisors, recognized cryptocurrency experts or official regulatory bodies. Avoid relying on advice from individuals or sources with questionable authority.


We encourage you to read more posts in our blog section or find information on the following trusted websites:

- Investopedia's Guide to Cryptocurrency;

- CoinDesk Cryptocurrency News;

- CryptoSlate Cryptocurrency News.


3. Beware of too-good-to-be-true offers.

Be wary of investment opportunities that promise high returns with little to no risk. Remember the old saying, "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is." Avoid schemes that promise large profits while concealing the potential dangers.


4. Check the legitimacy of a crypto expert’s credentials and their background before transferring funds or sharing personal information with them. 

Real experts will have a documented history of success and legal credentials that prove their expertise in the field.


5. Keep track of the latest information and developments in the cryptocurrency field in order to make informed decisions about investment.

Learn about the common scams and red flags associated with crypto experts or potential investments.


6. Use safe platforms and practices.

When conducting cryptocurrency transactions or seeking online advice, use secure platforms and methods to protect your personal and financial information. Be cautious about spam messages, phishing emails, and suspicious websites that may attempt to steal your data or money.


By following these practical steps and being careful when interacting with crypto experts, you can reduce the likelihood of being a victim to fake scams and preserve your investments in the cryptocurrency market. Remember to always focus on diligence, skepticism, and security when dealing with the complex world of cryptocurrency.


Nonbank’s Role in Secure Crypto Management

Nonbank plays an important role in helping users manage their cryptocurrency investments with a secure financial management system and all the necessary resources. With the goal of giving users the tools they need to make informed decisions in the crypto world, Nonbank provides a variety of services and features aimed at security, transparency, and user empowerment.


By providing a built-in analytics and risk assessment tool (AML Watchtower), Nonbank ensures that users manage their assets confidently with all security features included.


Nonbank also provides educational resources to assist users in maintaining their knowledge of the latest developments in the crypto world. Nonbank's commitment to security and user empowerment is also reflected in its active participation on Twitter, where users can interact with the community and receive information about cryptocurrency trends and methods.



The increase in fake crypto experts is highlighting the necessity of investors to be aware of the cryptocurrency market and exercise caution and due diligence when purchasing a cryptocurrency.


By recognizing the common traits of fake experts, understanding the potential consequences of their schemes, and taking preventative measures to avoid being victim to their schemes, investors can protect themselves from financial loss and data theft.


It is important that people stay informed, and platforms like Nonbank can make a big difference in that by providing users with the information they need to navigate the crypto world safely.

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